Inherent Excellence

Purpose. Freedom. Joy. It's all inside of you!

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Inherent Excellence


A world at peace, "Inner Peace". A world where everyone knows they are a hero on a great journey and they recognize and honor the hero in their fellow beings. A world where everyone lives with grace, uses their Inherent Excellence, and encourages this in everyone they meet.


To cause people to find their inner hero, live their dreams now, and leave limitations behind forever. I do this by guiding them in learning to use their inner resources and clarity of purpose and asking powerful questions and exercises, in a safe, open, and playful environment, and with appropriate challenges, that have them shift their experiences and strategies rapidly, in the most ecological way for them.

Erol Fox


An abundant life full of love, integrity, fun, adventure, and growth. I see the hero in everyone I meet and this vision spreads throughout the world.


To awaken and inspire people to their inner gifts, love, and purpose. To remind people of the beauty and power that they are. I do this by being an example of the power of compassion, strength, playfulness, balance, and inner peace.

